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.Lord have mercy, she knew he washot for her, he thought, instantly realizing just how inane an observationthat was.Of course she knew.Damn, he had a hard-on the size ofAlaska.She was bound to have noticed.But she was kissing him again and rubbing herself against him-her bodylanguage was unmistakable.With a strangled groan, he swung her into his arms.He took the stairstwo at a time, and was at the top in an instant.Sandy's heart was hammering as McCade gently set her down outsidethe door to their room.Suddenly afraid of what she'd see in his eyes, shekept her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his mouth down towardhers for yet another kiss.Even as he kissed her she felt him dig in hispockets for the room key, and heard the bolt click as he unlocked it.The door swung open and they were inside, and McCade was looking ather in the muted light.Although he hadn't moved away from her, although he was still holdingher, Sandy could tell that mentally he had taken a step back.The door was closed, the curtains drawn, and unless James Vandenberghad X-ray vision, there was no way on earth she could use him as an ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/excuse.McCade released her, and she knew she had no choice.She'dhave to tell the truth.He moved away from her, his lean face unsmiling.Now.She had to say it now.Sandy took a step forward, following him, keeping them close together.She took a deep breath."What would you do if I asked you not to stop?"He froze, and she took another step toward him.They were inches apart,close enough to kiss, close enough for her to feel his body heat.But hedidn't reach out, didn't touch her.He looked into her eyes, though, andthe connection between them was nearly palpable."I guess I'd have to ask you why." He spoke slowly, carefully."Unlessyou could give me a damn good reason why we shouldn't stop, I'd haveto assume it was the beer talking, and leave it at that."His eyes were remarkably beautiful.As Sandy looked into them, at theflecks of gold and green that adorned the blue, his gaze flickered for amoment, down to her mouth.It was just for a second, maybe two, but McCade's unconscious messagewas clear.Despite his words of caution, he wanted to kiss her.That awareness gave Sandy the confidence she needed."Clint." Hervoice was barely a whisper, and it shook slightly as she tried to make itlouder."What would a damn good reason be? I mean, can you give mean example.?"She moistened her lips, and again his gaze dropped to her mouth, thistime lingering."Yeah," he said huskily."Like, if you told me that you want me.Me, notJames.That would be one hell of a damn good reason.""If that was what I told you," she said, "what would you say then?" ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/McCade closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them he lookeddirectly at her."I love you, Sandy," he whispered."I'd tell you that I'm inlove with you."He loved her.Clint loved her.Sandy could barely breathe.She had toconcentrate to draw air into her lungs, to push it back out."And then," he added softly, "if you could convince me that you didn'thave too much to drink, if I could be sure that you really know whatyou're doing, I'd take your hand and lead you over to that bed and I'dmake love to you."Sandy stared into McCade's eyes for many long seconds, as his wordsseemed to echo in the room.I'd make love to you.The seconds stretched nearly into a minute before she realized he waswaiting for her to say something.It was her turn, her move."I only had one beer," she told him.McCade frowned."But-""I had all those beer mugs on the table," she answered before he couldeven ask."But most of 'em held water.I'm sober.How about you?"If you still want to make love to me when you 're sober, just let meknow.Their eyes met."It wasn't a dream, was it?"Sandy shook her head no."I'm sober too." He grinned, a quick nervous flash of white teeth againsthis tanned face."Lord, I don't think I've ever been more sober in myentire life.""Then.don't stop," she whispered."Make love to me, Clint.""Why?" McCade asked her, just as he said he would. ABC Amber Text Converter Unregistered, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/Sandy looked down at herself, saw the way she was standing, andfrowned slightly.She relaxed her arms and held out her hands toMcCade, palms up."Because I want you.Because I love you."He took a step toward her, and then another, and Sandy met himhalfway.She caught her breath, amazed at the sight of tears shining inhis eyes as he took her in his arms.He kissed her, not fiercely, the wayshe expected, but tenderly, slowly, as if he had all the time in the world."And I love you." He kissed her again, long, deep, unhurried kisses thatmade the room seem to tilt around her.His hands were gentle as he unfastened the buttons on her blouse.Thetips of his fingers brushed lightly against her bare skin, pushing the softcotton back, tugging the shirt free from the waistband of her shorts."This is weird." Sandy shook her head."I know you so well, but, God-""It is weird," McCade agreed."Wonderfully weird."Her braid had long since come undone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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