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., 703) (Samyogajjayate sauklyam paramanandalakshanam).This is the union on the purely Sattvik plane which corresponds in the Rajasik plane to the union ofShiva and Shakti in the persons of their worshippers.It will have been observed that here in this Divyaor Sattvik Sadhana "Wine", "Woman" and so forth are really names for operations.http://www.sacred-texts.com/tantra/sas/sas27.htm (9 of 29)07/03/2005 16:04:50 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Pañcatattva (The Secret Ritual)The substitutional Tattvas of Pashvacara also do not answer to their names, being other substanceswhich are taken as substitutes of wine, meat, fish (see Kulacudamani; Bhairavayamala, Ch.I).Thesehave been variously described and sometimes as follows: In lieu of wine the Pashu should, if aBrahmana, take milk, if a Kshattriya ghee, if a Vaishya honey, and if a Shudra a liquor made from rice.Coconut water in a bell-metal utensil is also taken as a substitute.Salt, ginger, sesamum, wheat beans(Mashakalai) and garlic are some of the substitutes for meat; the white brinjal vegetable, red radish,masur (a kind of gram), red sesamum and Paniphala (an aquatic plant) take the place of fish.Paddy, rice,wheat and grain generally are Mudra both in Tamasik (Pashvacara) and Rajasik (Viracara) Sadhanas.Inlieu of Maithuna there may be an offering of flowers with the hands formed into the gesture calledKachapa-mudra, the union of the Karavira flower (representative of the Linga) with the Aprajita(Clitoria) flower which is shaped as and represents the female Yoni and other substitutes, or there maybe union with the Sadhaka's wife.On this and some other matters here dealt with there is variant practice.The Kaulikarcanadipika speaks of what is called the Adyatattvas.Adyamadya or wine is hemp (Vijaya),Adyashuddhi or meat is ginger (Adraka), Adyamina or fish is citron (Jambira), Adyamudra is Dhanyajathat is, made from paddy and Adyashakti is the worshipper's own wife.Quoting from the Tantrantara itsays that worship without these Adya forms is fruitless.Even the strictest total abstainer and vegetarianwill not object to "wine" in the shape of hot milk or coconut water, or to ginger or other substitutes formeat.Nor is there any offense in regarding sexual union between the Sadhaka and his wife not as a mereanimal function but as a sacrificial rite (Yajña).At this point we may pass to the literal Tattvas.Wine here is not merely grape-wine but that which ismade from various substances such as molasses (Gaudi), rice (Paishti) or the Madhuka flower (Madhvi)which are said by the Mahanirvana Tantra (Ch.VI) to be the best.There are others such as wine madefrom the juice of the Palmyra and Date tree, and aniseed (Maureya wine).Meat is of three kinds, that is,animals of the water, earth, and sky.But no female animal must be slain.Superior kinds of fish areShala, Pathina, and Rohita.Mudra which every Orientalist whom I have read calls "ritual gesture" or thelike is nothing of the kind here, though that is a meaning of the term Mudra in another connection.Theycannot have gone far into the subject, for it is elementary knowledge that in the Pañcatattva, Mudrameans parched cereal of various kinds and is defined in Yogini Tantra (Ch.VI) as:Bhrishtadhanyadikam yad yad carvani yam pracakshateSa mudra kathita Devi sarvesham Naganandini.(Oh Daughter of the Mountain, fried paddy and the like -- in fact all such (cereals) as are chewed -- arecalled Mudra).The Mahanirvana (Ch.VI) says that the most excellent is that made from Shali rice or from barley orwheat and which has been fried in clarified butter.Meat, fish, Mudra offered to the Devata along withwine is technically called Shuddhi.The Mahanirvana says that the drinking of wine without Shuddhi islike the swallowing of poison and the Sadhana is fruitless.It is not difficult to see why.For, wine takenhttp://www.sacred-texts.com/tantra/sas/sas27.htm (10 of 29)07/03/2005 16:04:50 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Pañcatattva (The Secret Ritual)without food has greater effect and produces greater injury.Moreover, another check on indiscriminatedrinking is placed, for wine cannot be taken unless Shuddhi is obtained, prepared, and eaten with thenecessary rites.Woman, or Shakti, as She is properly called, since She is purified and consecrated forthe rite and represents the Devi, is of three kinds, namely, Sviya or Svakiya (one's own wife), Parakiyathe wife of another or some other woman, and Sadharani or one who is common.This aspect of thesubject I deal with later.Here I will only say that, where sexual union is permitted at all, the ordinaryShakti is the Sadhaka's Brahmi wife.It is only under certain conditions that there can be any otherShakti.Shaktis are also of two kinds, namely, those who are enjoyed (Bhogya) and those who areworshipped only (Pujya).A Sadhaka who yields to desire for the latter commits the sin of incest with hisown mother.Here again, according to Shakta notions, one must not think of these substances as mere gross matter inthe form of wine, meat and so forth, nor on woman as mere woman; nor upon the rite as a mere commonmeal.The usual daily rites must be performed in the morning, midday and evening (Mahanirvana, V.25).These are elaborate (ib.,) and take up a large part of the day.Bhutasuddhi is accomplished, at whichtime the Sadhaka thinks that a Deva body has arisen as his own.Various Nyasas are done.Mentalworship is performed of the Devi, the Adya Kalika, who is thought of as being in red raiment seated on ared lotus.Her body dark like a rain-cloud, Her forehead gleaming with the light of the crescent moon.Japa of Mantra is then done and outer worship follows.A further elaborate ritual succeeds.I pause here to ask the reader to conceive the nature of the mind and disposition of the Sadhaka who hassincerely performed these rites.Is it likely to be lustful or gluttonous? The curse is removed from thewine and the Sadhaka meditates upon the union of Deva and Devi in it.Wine is to be considered asDevata.After the consecration of the wine, the meat, fish and grain are purified and are made like untonectar.The Shakti is sprinkled with Mantra and made the Sadhaka's own.She is the Devi Herself in theform of woman.The wine is charged with Mantras ending with the realization (Mahanirvana Tantra,VI.42) when Homa is done, that offering is made of the excellent nectar of "This-ness" (Idanta) held inthe cup of "I-ness" (Ahanta) into the Fire which is the Supreme I-ness (Parahanta).Ahantapatra-bharitam idantaparamamritamParahantamaye vahnau homasvikaralakshanam [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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