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.Serena took on a lot of responsibilities after they passedaway and Marie didn't want to be a drain on her sister withthe whole I'm a man trapped in a woman's body thing."It still sounded so crazy.Marie seemed so happy asa woman.All the male attention she got seemed to cementthe fact she liked being who she was.I never suspectedanything else.Especially her deep desire to be a man.Ross leaned over and smacked me in the head."Hey.What was that for?" I asked as the sharp stingradiated over my head."You're such a guy.She was a gay man in awoman's body.Of course, she enjoyed all the maleattention.It was the only time she felt normal and as forplaying the part of a woman, she only did what societyexpected of her.She was in a woman's body so she lived asa woman.Do you understand?""Seriously, Ross, stop getting into my head."Ross sighed dramatically."Sorry, I'm trying to workon that.It drives Marc nuts too.""Okay, I know this is off the subject, but am I stillgay?"146 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrett"Oh for Heaven's sakes, you have issues, don't you?Of course, you're still gay.Marc was never meant to be awoman." Ross blew out his breath."Do you understandnow?"My lips curled up into the biggest smile I had everhad.This was great news."The things you worry about." Ross looked at meand shook his head."So when I say this I'm not trying to befunny but you two can be gay together and live happilyever after if you're not too late."What? I came back down from the clouds I wasfloating in at his words.If I'm not too late? That didn'tsound good."You heard that, I take it." At my lack of responsehe continued."See, there were conditions in bringing Marcback.We were given a deadline of one month to put his lifeto rights."I gave Ross a skeptical look.He wasn't telling meeverything."What happens when the month is over?"Ross's eyes glistened with unshed tears."He willdie.""What?" Ross must have let go of the mind controlbecause I was now able to move again.I grabbed him byhis shirtfront and got right in his face."What do you meandie? It's not fair to bring him back just to take him away147 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettagain."Ross pushed my hands away and placed a calminghand on my shoulder."If Marc finds love, he can stayhere."I gaped at Ross.I loved Marc.I wanted him in mylife.What else could there possibly be left to do?"He needs to hear you say the words out loud,Shawn."My heart beat so fast I thought I would pass out."How much time do I have?"Ross looked at his watch."You have thirty minutesbefore the Big Guy brings him back home." I watched asRoss pointed his finger upward.I jumped out of my seatbut Ross grabbed my hand."Marc's at Serena's office.Nowgo before time runs out."I raced out of the bar.I only had thirty minutes toget to Marc and tell him I loved him or he would die again.Life wasn't fair sometimes but I wasn't losing my chance athappiness."Please God, let me make it in time."148 Fate's Second Chance AJ JarrettChapter ElevenOf course, my last day on Earth and it would rain.Talk about making an already gloomy day even more so.Lightning streaked across the angry gray sky and every fewminutes the windows shook when the thunder cracked.Today was Friday and we'd just seen the last patientfor the day.Serena stayed in her office with the doorlocked, trying to avoid me.Her optimistic attitude hadstarted to dwindle as we got closer to the deadline.Myheart broke every time I saw her eyes start to water.Eatingdinner, watching a movie, even shopping had her on theverge of tears.I totally understood her pain and grief.Shewas going to be left all alone in the world again.It wasn'tfair but those were the rules.If I couldn't get Shawn to sayhe loved me, I was toast and I hadn't seen or heard fromhim since Monday night when I went to his house.I kept my distance because it wasn't fair to forceShawn to believe something he couldn't.It also wasn't fairto tell him in order to keep me alive I needed him to saythose three little words.Life wasn't fair.I had learned thattwice now, but I had hoped this time would be different.Sitting back in my chair, I got comfortable as Istared out the front windows and watched the rain.My149 Fate's Second Chance AJ Jarrettthoughts wandered over the past four weeks.I must saythey were the best of my life, better than the last twenty-five years.I was free to live as the real me.The me I kepthidden inside all those years.It amazed me how well I had adjusted to being aman.For me being a woman had been like wearing an itchysweater.Always wanting to tear the scratchy outer shellaway and climb out of my skin.Like the scene from Alienwhen the alien popped out of that guy's chest.That's theonly way I could explain it, except I wasn't a scary lookingalien with freakish teeth.When I asked Ross how I would die this timearound, he said I would go in my sleep.A little nerve-wracking to know tonight when I fell into dreamland, Iwouldn't be coming back.At least it wouldn't be a painfuldeath.Thank goodness for the small favors in life.Last night I had dinner with Serena at her house andwe invited Ross along.A very somber evening, to say theleast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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